- In garages, kitchens, in rooms where the boiler is located, or in extremely dusty, dirty or oily areas.
- Within 1.5 meters of cooking equipment.
- In extremely humid areas. The detector must be installed at least 3 metres away from baths, showers, saunas, humidifiers, vaporisers, dishwashers, washing machines, dryers, utility rooms or other rooms with a high humidity.
- In rooms where the temperature is below 4° C or above 38° C, for example, crawl spaces, unfinished attics, not or poorly insulated ceilings, carports and garages.
- In moving air, such as close to ceiling fans, heat exhausts, air conditioners, fresh air supply or open windows. Air currents may prevent carbon monoxide from reaching the sensors.
- Outside the mobile home.
- In direct sunlight.